IARM signed a cooperation agreement with the Accreditation Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BATA)

The Accreditation Institute of the Republic of Macedonia on February 23, 2010 in Sarajevo, signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the field of accreditation with the Accreditation Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BATA). The agreement covers cooperation and exchange of information in the field of accreditation between the two institutions. acting in accordance with the principles and norms adopted by European and international organizations in this field. Under this agreement, the IARM and BATA will cooperate in the field of accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories, inspection bodies and certification bodies for products, persons and systems for management. The cooperation will be realized through exchange of information on activities and documentation in the field of accreditation, joint organization of seminars and conferences, mutual training of staff, exchange of assessors and technical experts registered with both institutions, in order to get acquainted with the accreditation process on the spot. , conducting joint assessment and joint participation of the organizations from the Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the interlaboratory comparisons. The signing of this agreement will ensure continuous cooperation between the Accreditation Institute of the Republic of Macedonia and the Accreditation Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to harmonize the process of accreditation in the region through active participation of both accreditation bodies in advancing the accreditation process in both countries.

Since the signing of the Agreement with the Accreditation Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina