Conformity assessment bodies (CABs )
- The Accreditation Law
- The Regulation for the Accreditation Procedure (R 03)
- The Regulation of the General Requirements for the competence of the Conformity Assessment Bodies (R 04)
- Regulation on Requirements for use of the accreditation mark, text reference to accreditation and reference to IARM’s EA MLA Signatory status (R 05)
- Appeals and Complaints rules and procedures (R 08)
- The Regulation of Requirements for the Participation in Proficiency Testing and Interlaboratory Comparisons (R 06)
- The Regulation for the mode of supplying the measurement traceability in Republic of North Macedonia (R 11)
- The Regulation for the Compensation Rates for the services provided by IARM (R 10)
- The List of EA documents (E-A 1/01)
- The Regulation for determining the scopes of calibration, testing, certification and inspection (R15)
- Procedure for Occurrence of Change in Accredited Bodies (PR 05-05)
- Procedure for assessment and accreditation of sampling methods(PR 05-11)
- Procedure for applying MKТC CEN/TS 15675: 2009 in accreditation procedure of laboratories for testing emissions from stationary sources( PR 05-13)
- Procedure for accreditation of flexible scope(PR 05-09)
- Management of complaints (PR 06-01)
- Plan for Participation in Proficiency Assessment (PT) Schemes, Interlaboratory Comparisons (ILCs) and Programs (OB 05-18-2)
- Review of participation in interlaboratory trials – (OB 05-18)