IARNM Director's
(PR 02-05) Risk management and improvement procedure
(PR 03-03) Evaluation of Assessors and Experts performance
(PR 03-04) Selection, Training and Evaluation of the Assessors
(PR 03-05) Competency requirements for auditors and certification personnel for Quality Management Systems
(PR 04-01) Modification of the requirements for the accreditation
(PR 04-02) Procedure for extension scope of activities into the new fields
(PR 05-01) Assessment procedure
(PR 05-02) Assessment Methodology
(PR 05-04) Distribution of the IARM’s documents
(PR 05-05) Procedure in occurrence of changes with accredited bodies
(PR 05-06) Grading of nonconformities
(PR 05-07) Procedure for assessment in the office and witnessing of certification bodies for management system
(PR 05-08) Procedure for risk analysis during assessment planning and sampling during assessment
(PR 05-09) Procedure for accreditation of flexible scope
(PR 05-10) Procedure for assessment of inspection bodies
(PR 05-11) Procedure for assessment and accreditation of sampling methods
(PR 05-12) Procedure for assessment and accreditation of Organic Production Certification Bodies
(PR 05-13) Procedure for applying MKТC CEN/TS 15675: 2009 in accreditation procedure of laboratories for testing emissions from stationary sources
(PR 05-14)Field and Scope of Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies
(PR 06-01) Management of Complaints
(PR 09-1) Regulation on the Organization and Operation of the Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia
(PR 09-2) Regulation on qualification requirements, tasks and duty for the IARM personnel
(PR 10-01) Procedure for Suspending or Withdrawing accreditation
(P 16) Ethical Code for employees of IARM