OI – 076 TECHNICAL INSTITUT MAKEDONIJA Limited Liability Co. Negotino

Company for tehnical examination, control and analysis


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Organ i akredituar
TECHNICAL INSTITUT MAKEDONIJA Limited Liability Co. Negotino Company for tehnical examination, control and analysis
Ul. Zeleznicka no.8 1440 Negotino
Tel/fax: +389 (0) 43 370 040
Përshkrim i shkurtër i fushës së akreditimit
Inspection of:
- Еlectric power facilities, electrical products and devices;
- Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres;
- Low voltage electrical installations; Earthing systems; Lightning protection systems; Тouch voltage with potential short circuit current; Step voltage potential at short circuit current; Testing and control of finished products - low voltage assemblies;
- Cranes and industrial conveyors;
- Mining technical equipment;
- Conformity assessment of industrial cranes and conveyors; mining and technical equipment;
- Pressure equipment and Transportable pressure equipment;
- Check tanks for transport of dangerous goods without overpressure (class 3 of 9) ADR;
- Lifts;
- Conformity assessment of lifts;
- Work and Environment;
- Control and test instruments for measuring temperature;
- Metal products and constructions; Supporting structures, Pipelines and pipe systems, Tanks, Storage bins (silos), Molten metal containers, Other metal products and semi-products;
- Мeasurement the strength of the electromagnetic and electrostatic field;
- Cathodic Protection;
- Stable systems for fire fighting; Fire stations; Fire extinguishers.
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