OI – 097 Centre for research, development, and continually education – CIRКO LTD Skopje, Inspection body for motor vehicle and mobile machine

Inspection body for motor vehicle and mobile machine

Сertifikatë për akreditim me numër
Organ i akredituar
Centre for research, development, and continually education – CIRКO LTD Skopje Inspection body for motor vehicle and mobile machine
St. Rudjer Boskovik n.n. PO Box 464, 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
+389 2 30 99 472
Përshkrim i shkurtër i fushës së akreditimit
-Individual vehicle approval in categories L, M, N, O, T, C, R, S according article 2 paragraph 1 of Regulation on single approval of vehicle;
-Approval of altered and repaired vehicles in sector fields according the Regulation on approval of altered and repaired vehicles article 5; article 6, paragraphs 10,20 and 23; article 7, paragraphs 1, 4 and 13;
-Logging of changes which do not mean alteration or reparation;
-Inspection in determining and imprinting the identification markings on vehicles (chassis number and engine number);
- Identification and evaluation of technical status of the mobile machines in the part that concerns of the dangers that result from their mobility;
-Check for ECMT Certificate of Roadworthiness Test for Motor Vehicles and Trailers.
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