IB – 033 Ex Izvedba Inženering DOOEL – Skopje,
Inspection body for the examination and testing of electrical installations and devices in ordinary, anti-explosive and medical protection

Accreditation Certificate No.
Accredited Body
Ex Izvedba Inženering dooel – Skopje
Inspection body for equipment and protective systems intended for work in explosive atmospheres, sources of emission of flammable and explosive fluids, low voltage electrical installation (regular and ex performance), lighting protection systems and protective earthing, control of climate conditions in work environment (illumination, temperature), illumination of sport facilities and of roads for pedestrian traffic and low voltage electrical installations and additional safeguards against high touch voltage in medical areas
Nikola Trimpare 27a, 1000 Skopje, R. Macedonia
+ 389 3220 471
Short description of the scope
Inspection (control) of equipment and protective systems intended for work in explosive atmospheres, sources of emission of flammable and explosive fluids, low voltage electrical installation (regular and ex performance), lightning protection systems and protective earthing, control of climate conditions in the work environment (temperature and noise)
First accreditation
Certificate valid until