Accredited bodies
The basic data on the accredited bodies by the IARM (name, address/ website/ registration number of accreditation, granting date, last modification and validity) as well as the relevant data as to their accreditation scope have been presented at the designated page. The pages are organized according to types of accredited authorities:
- Laboratories
2. Certification bodies
– CB for products, processes and services
By being granted the accreditation, the accredited bodies receive the right to use the accreditation mark on their certificates, or reports, however only for the scope of activities for which accreditation has been granted. If the certificates, or reports issued by the accredited bodies do not allude/refer to accreditation than the respective scope has not been granted accreditation.
The requirements for reference to accreditation and use of the accreditation mark have been described in greater detail in the following document:
Regulation on requirements for reference to accreditation (R05)
Further in the text, the forms and contents of the accreditation marks are elaborated.
Sign for accreditation of testing laboratories
Sign for accreditation of calibration laboratories
Sign for accreditation of certification bodies
Sign for accreditation of inspection bodies
ХХХ: number from 001 to 999