Accreditation of

Mandatory documents for application in inspection bodies [МКС EN ISO/IEC 17020: 2012]

IARM R04 Regulation on the General Requirements for the Competence of the Conformity Assessment Bodies
IARM R05 Regulation on Requirements for Reference to Accreditation and the Use of the Accreditation mark
IARM R06 Regulation on Requirements for Participation on Proficiency Testing and Interlaboratory Comparisons
IARM R11 Regulation on Ensuring Manner of Measurement Traceability in the Republic of Macedonia

Members’ procedural document – Mandatory

EA-1/06 EA
Multilateral Agreement. Criteria for signing. Policy and procedures for development.
EA 2/13 M:2012
EA Cross Border Accreditation Policy and Procedure for Cross Border Cooperation between EA Members
EA 1/22 A:
EA Policy for conformity assessment schemes (sector schemes)
EA-2/15 M:2008
EA Requirements for the Accreditation of Flexible Scopes
EA-2/17 M:2016
EA Guidance on the horizontal requirements for the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies for notification purposes
EA-3/01 M:2012
EA conditions for the use of accreditation symbols, text reference to accreditation and MLA signatory status
MKС EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012*
Општи критериуми за работа на различни типови тела кои вршат инспекција
  • Mandatory use of 01/01/2014

Recommended documents for ILAC Members

ILAC-G24/2007 Guidelines for the determination of calibration intervals of measuring instruments
Applicable to EA members signatories to ILAC Arrangement
Rules for the Use of  the ILAC  MRA Mark
ILAC G21:09/2012
Cross Frontier Accreditation – Principles for Cooperation