The Accreditation Institute of the Republic of Macedonia (IARM) signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Croatian Accreditation Agency (HAA)
During the meeting of the EA MAS Committee for Mutual Recognition Agreements (Multilateral Agreement Committee), held in Bucharest, Republic of Romania, in the period 30.09.2008 – 02.10.2008, the Accreditation Institute of the Republic of Macedonia (IARM) signed an Agreement for cooperation with the Croatian Accreditation Agency (HAA).
The purpose of the Agreement is continuous cooperation between the two accreditation bodies to achieve a uniform accreditation process in the region and to provide mutual support for the development and promotion of accreditation activities in both countries.
Within the framework of the EA principles, the two signatories to the Agreement decided, inter alia:
i. To develop and maintain mutual trust,
ii. Achieve and maintain equivalence and harmonization of accreditation activities in accordance with EA, IAF and ILAC guidelines,
iii. Organize the exchange of accreditation information, applied at the national level,
iv. Identify and promote the removal of technical or administrative barriers to trade in the field of accreditation,
v. To promote consistent interpretation and application of normative documents and to propose actions to facilitate the implementation,
vi. Identify specific technical problems that may be the subject of collaborative projects, vii. Maintain working links with relevant bodies and promote infrastructure related to accreditation harmonization,
viii. Debate on trends and establish criteria for the scope of accreditation and maintain channels for continuous flow of knowledge,
ix. Mutually support membership in the full range of multilateral MLA mutual recognition agreements.