LT – 009 PHI Centre for public health Tetovo

Department of Hygiene And Environmental Protection
Section for sanitary chemistry-food testing
Section for sanitary chemistry-water testing
Section for communal hygiene
Department of microbiology
Section for sanitary microbiology
Branch Office Gostivar
Section for sanitary chemistry-food testing
Section for sanitary chemistry-water testing  
Сertifikatë për akreditim me numër
Organ i akredituar
PHI Centre for public health Tetovo
Department of Hygiene And Environmental Protection
Section for sanitary chemistry-food testing
Section for sanitary chemistry-water testing
Section for communal hygiene
Department of microbiology
Section for sanitary microbiology
Branch Office Gostivar
Section for sanitary chemistry-food testing
Section for sanitary chemistry-water testing
"29ti Noemvri" br.73, Tetovo
"Major Cede Filipovski" bb, Gostivar
Përshkrim i shkurtër i fushës së akreditimit
Testing of food and water
Akreditimi i parë
Data e vlefshmërisë së certifikatës