OI – 018 Stewart Inspect DOOEL – Skopje,
Inspection body

Сertifikatë për akreditim me numër
Organ i akredituar
Stewart Inspect DOOEL - Skopje
Inspection body
Mitropolit T. Gologanov No.39, 1000 Skopje
Përshkrim i shkurtër i fushës së akreditimit
Inspection of lifts, escalators, cranes,conveyors, mining equipment and machines, measurements of microclimatic conditions, lighting and noise in the work environment, measuring of environmental noise, measuring of earth resistant and inspection of lightning protection system (LPS) and electrical installations, inspection of electric power facilities and electrical equipment, inspection of equipment and protection systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, static electricity, Lighting and glare control of roads:
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Data e vlefshmërisë së certifikatës