OI – 052 ASUC “Boro Petruševski” in city of Skopje – Skopje

ASUC – Centre for Vehicle Examination
Inspection point “CIV 1-ASUC” SKOPJE
Сertifikatë për akreditim me numër
Organ i akredituar
ASUC “Boro Petruševski” in city of Skopje - Skopje ASUC – Centre for Vehicle Examination
Edvard Kardelj 26b 1000 Skopje
Përshkrim i shkurtër i fushës së akreditimit
1. Single vehicle approval (categories L, M, N, О, T, R,S and C)
2. Approval of altered vehicles:
- with added LPG and CNG unit in the vehicle,
- which are additionally fitted with protective foils
- tinted windows or colored glasses
- with built in mechanical coupling devices of motor vehicles and their trailers (coupling balls)
3. Identification and еvaluation of technical status of the vehicle (categories L, M, N, О, T, R,S and C) and mobile machines
Akreditimi i parë
Data e vlefshmërisë së certifikatës