LT – 050 University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje

University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food
Laboratory for testing animal feeding stuffs, L-01
Laboratory for testing quality of seeds from agricultural plants, L-03
Laboratory for soil and fertilizers analysis, L-04
Laboratory for tobacco and tobacco products, L-05 

Laboratory for examination of grape, wine and alcoholic beverages  L – 06

Сertifikatë për akreditim me numër
Organ i akredituar
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food
Laboratory for testing animal feeding stuffs, L-01
Laboratory for testing quality of seeds from agricultural plants, L-03
Laboratory for soil and fertilizers analysis, L-04
Laboratory for tobacco and tobacco products, L-05
Laboratory for examination of grape, wine and alcoholic beverages  L - 06
„16 th Makedonska Brigada, No.3, 1000, Skopje
Përshkrim i shkurtër i fushës së akreditimit
Testing of animal feed, cereals, pulses and by-products, quality properties of seeds of agricultural plants seed, soil and fertilizers, organoleptic and visual assessment of the quality of tobacco raw material, wine and alcoholic beverages
Akreditimi i parë
Data e vlefshmërisë së certifikatës